Uci chess protocol
uci chess example
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xboard protocoluci chess documentation
uci chess specification
The UCI protocol as publiced by Stefan-Meyer Kahlen (ShredderChess): Description of the universal chess interface (UCI) April 2004 The Universal Chess Interface (UCI) is a standard protocol used to communicate with a chess engine, and is the recommended way to do so for typical In order to be able to communicate with an external GUI your engine must implement a communication protocol. There are two possible choices, the x-Board and theThis is the description of a new interface between a chess engine and a graphical user interface called UCI. It was designed by Rudolf Huber and Stefan an open communication protocol for chess engines to play games automatically, that is to communicate with other programs including Graphical User Interfaces. UCI Protocol · SFU-Open-Source-Development/chess-engine Wiki · GitHub · UCI Protocol · Overview · Commands Used
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